Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

I start the day running. As does Wave. Cheerfully, both of us. Isn’t that a beautiful thing. My daughter has an early appointment. So I get him up and off to school with breakfast and lunch packed, dressed and comforted and soothed and encouraged. His mother has driven out of the driveway, after saying goodbye, and not realized that W was standing on the front porch waving for an after goodbye goodbye. This does not feel good to him. She didn’t hear him shouting his goodbye goodbye. So I must bring my imagination to this problem, help him stay focused on getting out the door despite his sadness. Earlier, he showed me his mother’s ear phones and the case they are kept in and how they work. So, I tell him that his mother can hear his voice through her ear phones. I cup my magic microphone in front of his mouth and tell him to say goodbye to his mother and she will hear him through her magic ear phones. He tries it, and doesn’t quite believe me, but he would like to. So, we play with that idea on the ride to school. Mothers have a way, I promise him, of always hearing their children’s voices when they are needed. He is a little late for school. But he has a good lunch and he gives me a tight hug at the door of the school. I have a shorter swim than usual, running late. I have three groups on Wednesdays, morning, noon and night and love them all. Craft, Israeli group, and Play Lab. I’m tired, and filled up. I don’t need to make dinner because everyone is out. Frank on his way home. I walk, at dusk, to the river. My feet soak into the mush of the melting ice, the river overflow, the thawing grass. Feels good. Refreshing. It’s warm for the rain that’s about to come. That has come. A big drenching rain after dark. I am heartened to read in the Boston Globe that Boston’s mayor, Michelle Wu, stood up to the grilling from Republicans that she faced in Washington today, while nursing her newborn daughter. For crying out loud, women are so freaking powerful!

Making her first congressional appearance, Wu appeared at ease, comfortable enough to nurse her newborn daughter in her witness seat before the hearing started and confident enough to fire back at Republicans several times when she believed they were misstating the facts.

~ By Jim Puzzanghera and Emma Platoff Globe Staff

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