Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Tonight’s moon

Two walks, no swim. Sunshine and sky. Wave out the door cheerfully. The snow and ice are mostly gone and nothing is really springlike in the yard except the birdsong. I hear it first thing this morning from my open window. The heat is off. The fresh air is cold and lovely coming in. Frank is on his way home before I’m awake. Today is my three-group day. By late afternoon I need a second walk. I’ve been sitting too much. I don’t need to cook dinner. Wave is not home and Frank is going to play tennis. I go out by myself to the river. I meet the beaver at the boat landing. He jumps off and swims slowly away from me. The mallards are here. Mr. & Mrs. I want to show them to Charlie. Or Wave. I say hello to them and wonder where they will build this year’s nest. And will Mr. Mallard hang out at the brook? I walk to the trestle bridge and cross and see the moon over the wide open meadow. A surprise and a pleasure. Now I have walked off my stiffness and let the beauty of this evening and the white light of the moon give me energy for my play lab. Week three is a charm. The writers really support each other and their revisions are moving into wonderful places. We work hard reading and discussing for two hours and it’s worth it. I know this is going to be a great showcase. Last night I dreamed I was in Armenia. I was living there and learning about what life there is like, cooking and running a home. It was fascinating and anxiety producing and poignant.

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