Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

The heat continues. I swam, after revising and sending off a poem to workshop, in the too-warm pond water. It was peaceful and pleasant, but not cooling in the least. Still, I did my mile and felt great. Poetry workshop, my poem needs work. Later in the day I chop it up and workshop it again tonight. it’s kind of not working yet. But I was pleased that, after a year’s wait, a poem i do like a lot was published today in the summer issue of Allium, A Poetry Review. You can read it here. Tonight, Wave waited out my workshop for some dinosaur yoga. It’s such a high point of his evening, (and mine), that it can be quite heartbreaking when the timer goes off for his bedtime. Late afternoon, after my work and after his nap, I took him to Farm Pond. Thunder threatened, and the guards kept everyone out of the water for 45 minutes after it rumbled. Then we got a cool, lovely refreshing dip and play. Until, once again, the thunder came. This time, I sensed it was more than a distant threat. It rumbled heartily four times, and I told Wave, let’s just go. The guards didn’t clear the beach, and when we got to the top of the stairs leading down to the parking lot lightening flashed above our heads and I high-tailed it to the car. Like my mother was, I am afraid of lightening. We got to the car before the drenching rain fell. It was exciting. And we drove home in a downpour that lifted quickly, but soaked all the growing things. Poor Charlie suffered. But it cooled us off and it was a hard rain I would love to have swam in––without the storm.

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