Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Extreme thunderstorms threaten tonight, but there was a lot to do in the garden. After dinner, I went out, and soon Wave joined me. There were zucchini to pick and daisies to deadhead. I taught him how, and he set right in with the clippers and cut the dead blossoms off in the exact same place. A three-quarter moon rose in the sky. We stayed out weeding and deadheading until dusk. The air was super still and very hot. But no rain, no thunder came. The baby bunny was in the fenced area with us. Trying to get out. He jumped right through the wire fence. So much for the fence. “We need a fox,” Wave said. “We need more foxes.” He meant, for the rabbits. Good thinking. But where to we get them? “From Australia,” he said. The gardens are full of so many dragonflies. I have never, in any summer, seen so many! One got into the house last night and hung high up on the wall above the couch. Today, this afternoon, Wave found the dead dragonfly on the couch. We had to take it outside and bury it in what we call the dragonfly garden. I met with my Ukrainian group that meets monthly and we had a powerful session. Late afternoon went to Farm Pond for the second time today. This time to swim with Wave. Did my early swim in a wind blowing chop on the far side of the lake. A good strong swim, but I was tired. Not a cloud in the sky today. Before my swim, before anything today, I got a handle on that new poem. Liked what I did. Still like what I did. Needs some finishing touches tomorrow. Felt a breakthrough.

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