#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
A swim before dawn
I’m proud of myself for getting out of bed at 5:00 a.m. to have my swim, two floors up in the pool with a view of the city lights. No one but me. I really enjoyed my time. Then, off to start my day; coffee with Jenny, and then off to the convention center for a day of panels. What a great time I am having this year! All the panels I attended were worthwhile and at times exceptional. Yes, it was crowded and hard to fund anything decent for lunch; but it was a winning day. Jenny and I went, at 5:00 over to the Plaza area and to a great reading where friends were having a poetry reading from a new anthology on Braving the Body –– and this reading lasted a couple of hours, it was terrific, start to finish. Then we made a new friend and zipped off to a casual and very tasty fun dinner with lots of camaraderie. I am so happy here this year! And tired as heck tonight. And ready for a good sleep. My head is buzzing. My body is tired. Yay!