Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Late August

Late August

“Reading is rapture (or if it isn't, I put the book down meaning to go on with it later, and escape out the side door).”
William Maxwell

Heat and mugginess return, and clouds. What should I do? Take Charlie and go for a swim from my friend’s empty dock. Charlie fishes for rocks while I swim around the island three times. We walk/run back. Today, I do about 90 minutes of weeding, but no planting. Try very hard to avoid the poison ivy in this particular garden. And I actually get my newsletter written and sent; involved so much organizing all that I’m doing this fall. Whew! If you’re not subscribed to my monthly newsletter where I share my upcoming events, I hope you’ll subscribe here. I have finished the wonderful Charlotte Bronte biography on audible, and I’m reading one book, and listening to another. So enthralled with the novel by William Maxwell, They Came Like Swallows. Saturday, I was listening to this week’s New York Times Book Review podcast and there was a review of Maxwell’s work by A. O. Scott, and I was enticed to check him out. And I’m reading The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams in paperback. Enjoying both so much; love getting to choose to use my eyes, if I’m not too tired, or my ears, being read to, dropping off to sleep.

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