Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

First thing he runs into my room. Carrying a green plastic case and a stuffed cat. He wants to play. And so our day of play begins. Soon we are outside in the wetlands. The ice is gone and the water is cold but I walk knee deep with him on my back crossing from humps of grass to other humps of grass. It’s wonderful to be outdoors under the trees with the water trickling and the birds calling and Wave having a great adventure with me. Then we decide to hike up to King Philip’s Overlook. And once we’re up there on the great rocks overlooking the river and the meadow he sees that the remote controlled airplanes are out. So we have to hike back down (him on my back) and cross the trestle bridge and cross the meadow to where the men and boys are flying their really cool planes. We sit down, watch the smaller planes. Wave has his eye on a remote helicopter that runs on gas. He hopes the owner will send it up. And when the man sees what Wave’s waiting for, he eagerly complies. The helicopter does all its tricks, safely lands. And Wave does not want to leave, but I insist. We’ve been out for hours. We’re both hungry and thirsty. And yes, he is starving by the time we are home. His mother has made a lovely lunch for him. I get some writing done today. The start of a new poem. But there are distractions and a nap. Tonight, the family all here for birthday dinner for my daughter. The loveliest of days.

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