Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

The Charles

Did anyone wake up on time today in the US? Frank did. Somehow. Left around 4 or 4:30 a.m. I think. I did not hear him. Set my alarm for 6, as usual. Woke up at 7:20! And Wave and my daughter were fast asleep too! He got out the door late, but he got out. The time change hit me hard. Managed to make him his egg and his lunch. Oh! When I woke him, finally, he said, “I had a dream!” Then he told us his dream with the sleep still in his eyes. Hi papa called him and told him he got him a present. Wave’s love language is that he loves to receive presents. And presents are toys. Well, the problem was that Papa said he left the present under a chair. And then he had to hang up! Without telling him which chair! But guess who came to the rescue and sniffed out the chair that the present was under????? Yup. Charlie. Charlie found the present! And I said, oh, Charlie the angel? And he said, no. Charlie while he was still alive. Well, what was the present? It was a television with an excavator with a claw attached to it. Hmmm. Well, I better tell papa your dream, I said, so he can get you this present. And Wave liked that idea. Papa, not so much. He has no idea how to produce a present like Wave imagines. I had poetry this morning, and my poem was much appreciated. And tonight, as well, in my other Monday workshop. My lucky day. It was a productive day. Poetry and cookie baking. After school Wave was here with his friend and we made chocolate chip cookies. Because, the dough. Yeah. And the cookies too. And I made meatballs. A walk this morning, but no swim. Too late a start, the disorienting time change. It was very pleasant. All the ice melt. I have had kind thoughts sent to me from readers, of course, about Charlie and Brittany. And I appreciate it. And so do Charlie and Brittany. I feel so grateful for Wave’s dream of Charlie. Bringing him into the morning of the house in such a delicious and magical way.

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