Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Late afternoon

Almost March. The melting. Still, black ice at the front step and the driveway. It’s truly a delight to wake up in a house with a four year old. Who needs me to press a button on his shoulder to get up out of bed. The button works. Another button and he is getting dressed. Then there is breakfast and a game. I have brought home a yummy croissant from the French Bakery. He says he also really liked the one I brought from Costa Rica. (Bought the day before we traveled home at the French Bakery in Nosara that we love.) He is off to school after a bit of fighting dinosaurs. I have my Wednesday writers, gorgeous writing and sharing. My Israeli group, with deep emotions shared and lots of support shared. And then to the library with Wave after school. We have an exceptional library in the children’s department. Friendly, going out of her way to be helpful. She truly cares about being the most helpful person in the room. And she is. And Wave appreciates her helping him find the toys he wants to play with. Then, to me, while she is right there in the room with us says, “That librarian is really smart.” Yup. He gets her. Tonight, my new Play Lab. Wonderful writing and comments. And I’m tired! And filled up. And ready for sleep.

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