Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Frank says, look out the window. A sunrise at the river. Another day. Grateful to be alive. Spring soon. We’re in the melting season. Mud is coming. Ice is going. Wave is awake. He is delightfully cheerful and playful upon waking lately. So at home in his skin. With his fabulous mind and his honest and kind heart. I promise we will play fighting dinosaurs before he leaves for school once he has dressed and had breakfast and I have packed his lunch. His mother is driving him today. Easily dressed. Pancakes and chatting. I make his lunch and then we have a precious ten minutes for him to be a raptor and for me to be a pterodactyl trying to capture him into my nest of pillows we’ve made on the floor. We heave the pillows at each other. I capture him, but he wriggles away and out of the nest. Our fighting time flies and then he must be off. But he is learning how to stop when it’s time to stop and go when it’s time to go without melting down. Whew! Thank goodness. I don’t swim today. I decide my body needs rest. I want to walk and see some things and get my fresh air. Charlie is not joining me these days. He is unable to. There have been so many deer in the yard. It has been seasons since he has had any interest or ability to bark and chase them away. Those days are well behind him. My good sweet Charlie. I prep for my Tuesday night group. In the afternoon I have two treats: I get a walk with Franci in Wellesley, and then we meet our dear friend for tea in a new French Bakery. Franci loves to find new French bakeries! I treat her to a take-home dessert for her and Will and buy croissants, beautiful brown crusty delicious looking croissants for me and Wave to enjoy tomorrow. I make my homemade pizza tonight. Wave eats piece after piece and everyone appreciates it. My two daughters and Wave and I eat casually in the kitchen and Franci tells Wave about the pizza parties I used to have for her friends. I promise to do so for him and his friends too some day. He is so happy his aunt Franci has stopped by. Tonight my group is, once again, and as always, transformative. My prompt is powerful, the writing responses are stunning. When I came home from Wellesley today I parked int he driveway and made it to the front door easily around the ice. There were bare spots on the front walk.

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