Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream


The rain stopped and the wind blew. A fierce wind and cold to wake up to. And everywhere is ice. Sheets of it. The driveway, the stairs. I try to let Fudgy out and his gate is iced shut. I have to boil a soup pot full of water to melt the ice. I free Fudgy. And the sun is just coming up in the sky above the trees. It’s way too windy to walk outdoors. I am afraid of branches coming down. And soon enough, in the middle of my poetry workshop the power goes out. A tree has knocked a wire down. The afternoon is spent wondering if we’ll get electricity back for dinner and overnight. We prepare for the worst. And it turns out the best! By 5:00 p.m., in time for dinner, the lights and heat are back on. Hooray! My poem is strong. Well received this morning and again tonight. I’m so pleased. I had a wonderful swim this morning. Lots of energy. Feeling refreshed despite the ice and wind. Winter is mostly behind us now. And it was still light out at 5 p.m.! I look forward to getting into the woods tomorrow, out to the river, to be in winter. Apparently, tonight, I exercised some special powers. After poetry I asked Wave and his mother if they wanted some popcorn. Yes!!!! They did!!! How did I know, Wave wonders. I have read their minds. “Look me in the eye, Grammy,” he insisted. “How did you know?” I looked him in the eye as he asked. I said I have special powers. Special listening devices. “Then you’re a robot,” he says. I promise him I am not. But then I must show him what I look like under my clothes. I show him a bit of my belly. “No, under your skin.” Well, I couldn’t go that far. He’s just going to have to trust me. I made the popcorn for the three of us in the soup kettle I used to boil the water for Fudgy’s ice and we ate our fill.

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