Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Early rising. The boy rises early too and joins me for “a hike.” I tell him I have to be careful about my back, and he understands, but he suggests the wagon, and I agree. We wear our bug hats and are glad we did. But we don’t go far, really. He is hungry and we return home for eggs. I start packing for my trip tomorrow to teach my Play Lab at the International Women’s Writing Guild. Printer, clothes, my own bedding, the usual. I’ve packed my care for this conference for many years now. The campus has a pool I hope to use, so I packed my suit and goggles too. I also printed two drafts of my play in progress because I hope to work on it this weekend. And my friend Tonya who is visiting, and my daughter Franci, spontaneously agree to give me a reading tonight. I said, please don’t give me feedback––I just want to hear it and see if it holds up. It was a great reading. I liked it. I thought it’s working pretty well and is promising and it was emotional, too. So now I feel connected to it and will work on it this weekend, trusting the process. Two swiftly moving monarchs speed through the yard tonight. Showers on and off so the plants are happy. I hope they will hang in for me while I’m gone.

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