#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Summer Collage
Windows open and Frank, up first, notes how wonderful the fresh air feels. Agreed. Heat wave has passed, temperature dropped. Early, my long swim. Then a wonderful visit, tea with a dear friend, and conversation we needed to end before we felt done. I worked on a revision of my second poem of the week. Now I have two ready for Monday. And I bought plants. As I was buying plants in the early afternoon I felt so grateful at how much I feel Frank’s appreciation for my work in our gardens. Hydrangeas, a new smoke tree sapling, some daisies. All into the garden before the day is done. Worked happily in the sun. Tonight, after dinner, Frank came out to see my work. We walked also to the vegetable garden for me to water. My daughter and her boyfriend came out and we sat and chatted in the garden. Also, when I was working on the new plants earlier, I turned around, and didn’t know my daughter had come out and sat down on the granite bench behind me. And we talked. She needed to talk, and when she left I thought, I am really my father now. They know where to find me, just as I always knew where to find him when I needed a talk. Tonight Frank says, thank you. Says how much he appreciate all the work I do on our gardens. I knew it, and was also glad he said it. Those baby bunnies are out of control––and adorable. I was careful not to buy anything new that they’d enjoy.