#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Charles River
Every day is a day of discovery with my aunt and uncle. Today, after taking Brittany to see the cardiologist, early, after a very short walk and a no-time-for-swim, I drove to pick up my aunt. She was so cheerful, so full of light and gratitude. And so happy to see Brittany, and show her around the dining room, beaming with pride. We drove off through the lovely countryside of fresh blossoms on trees, and she notices and names them all. My uncle has been awake and responsive for the previous two days of my sibling’s visits. But today we find him asleep and not awake very much while we’re there. But we are glad to be with him and he knows we are there. Brittany sits on his chest for a bit and he knows she’s there too. It’s so easy to help loved ones who are so full of appreciation for anything you do. On my way home I’m glad to be driving and having a chance to have a long talk with my dear friend. We live minutes away from each other, but have to connect by phone on these busy days. A long day in the car; then I drop it to get new brakes. This has been a week of errands and appointments. And also special moments like this very one––with Wave beside me after a long day.