#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Wetlands Splash
Woken by Brittany’s bark to be let out. Force myself out of a deep sleep and a strange dream, groggily manage to let the dogs in and out and feed them. Today I worked more on the Mary Ruefle inpspired poem, and I’m liking it. Which feels risky as no one has read it. Walked, didn’t swim, walked a long time in the wetlands, grateful for the peace and quiet. Saw a heron and the ducks in the wetlands. Talked to my sister which was really helpful, about my aunt and uncle. We are all working hard to get them stabilized. They are so sweet and loving and appreciative. Shopping with my youngest was fun, some treats for her upcoming birthday. I told her about my strange dream and we laughed hysterically. Nice to have some comic relief. Then I got to pick Wave up and he was happy to see me and he and Frank and I walked to the river, and he said, “Who made me?” And I said, your mom and dad. And he said, “Oh yeah. And they made my bones. Feel my bone grammy,” he said, and I felt his jawbone. His wonderful jawbone, so fascinating to him. “And my finger bones,” he said. Yes, he has said this before––he thinks his parents put his bones together like a very complicated puzzle. And I know they did. They did. And thank goodness they got them all in the right places.