#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Morning Brook
Awake at 4:00 a.m. for Brittany. Ouch. Let her out and fed them both, went back to bed, thankfully. Had a chance to wake up and talk to Frank before he left, which was nice. Tonight, after I cleaned the kitchen and was talking to my dear friend in Florida, I heard a light tapping on the front door. I sensed immediately who it was––my dear friend of Sherborn had stopped by to give me a treat as she often does. Some cookies from a day trip she made yesterday. I am grateful I had the night off to spend with conversation. Then Wave wanted to play dinosaurs and we haven’t done that in a while, and I was happy to do so. I walked to the railroad tracks with Charlie and then swam a nice swim and felt good. Lots of distractions today, but I dug into the comments and suggestions my poetry mentor gave me on my manuscript. Mostly she suggested poems to remove and changed the order slightly. At first I was unsure about her recommendations for poems to take out. Then I said to myself, Kelly, you have paid her for this feedback and you trust her. So, take it, and I did. Because I really could see how she’s right, even though it’s hard to let go of some poems I’m attached to; still, worthwhile and I was at peace. My daughter made dinner and we all sat down together. I have my manuscript done and ready to submit, and my idea cooking for my next one.