#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Scribbling Brook
““Calmness of mind does not mean you should stop your activity. Real calmness should be found in activity itself. We say, “It is easy to have calmness in inactivity, it is hard to have calmness in activity, but calmness in activity is true calmness.”
It’s scrambled, the eggs, requested this morning. I sleep in until 7, which is still more like 6 a.m. More lovely bright sun beaming in. And I felt like walking, not swimming. A nice long walk with the chance to take photos and see things deeply, take my time, be in the moment fully. So, that’s what I do. I listen to a Jungian podcast interview with Natalie Goldberg, [author of Writing Down The Bones and more] that’s really stimulating: “Tell Me Something Beautiful.” And I also call my aunt to give her a Brittany update, and it turns into a long call having them pass the phone back and forth to each other to figure out where they are and why don’t they have their car and when can they go home. And by the end of the call (and mine was only one, and my brother had three or four later in the day) my uncle is laughing with relief that he is home and doesn’t have to worry about anything. And Brittany continues to make herself comfortable and succeed in getting us all to like her very much and enjoy having her around. I work on a poem; I have two more images accepted by a journal, one for the cover image! I’m very happy this photo, one I took on a trip to Ghost Ranch in New Mexico with Frank two winters ago has found a home. I have sent it out a few times. I’ll share it here soon. I took it during a drive down the dirt road that led to the place where Frank did his vision quest decades ago and we were having a very serious, emotional conversation. So, it’s a special photo. In the afternoon I had to see the dermatologist and the parking lot of the office building abuts the Charles River in Wellesley, and my goodness, it’s swelling and the waves were actually waves! Quite a fast rush of the current past the parking lot! I had conversations with dear friends today—3—and I’m very lucky. And the house is a little too quiet tonight because Wave is not here.