#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Mindful morning brook
What peace there was in the pool this morning. For much of my swim I was alone in the pool. Such a pleasure. It can get pretty loud and swampy in there some times. I had a great time, and then a short walk with Charlie. Frank had, kindly, done some food shopping, and left all the groceries in his car to rush into a meeting he was late for––and I was a bit irked to have to give up a chunk of my walking time. I brought them to the house, wrote a note asking for someone to unpack them, and went for my walk. And when I got back they were being unpacked! A busy, tightly scheduled day for me. I led two really dynamic and rewarding writing groups, and met with my Ukrainian friends for our monthly check-in and loved that too. Organized a bit for my trip, but never had a chance to pack. Made a lovely dinner of fresh scallops (thank you, Frank!) and everyone enjoyed it. Not enough time for Wave, my only regret. Ten minutes of dinosaur play. Now to bed, with packing, early early in the morning before I leave. Always that little heartbreak about separating from home. And once I am through security, once I am in the air, once I am on the ground in Kansas City I will be immersed in this great experience. And a chance to be with my good friend and share this journey.