Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Nineteen degrees???!!!! I tried to warm up the car before driving Wave to school, but it was useless. Frost on the window. Freezing! But I’d had my early swim and that was nice and getting the time together was special, for me, anyway. He wants snow. He wants winter and snow now. If it’s this cold, there should be snow, in his mind. I told him stories about snow. I told him a story about the year we lived in Maine when I was a girl and there was deep snow for Thanksgiving. And how my boyfriend, Kelly, came to my house on his snow mobile to take me out for a ride. “But your name is Kelly,” Wave said. I said, “Yes, we were Kelly & Kelly.” And when he got out of the car at school he said, “When I grow up I’m going to have a girlfriend named Wave and we will be Wave and Wave.” Today is actually his Uncle Landons’ birthday. We lived in Florida and it wasn’t cold and there was no snow. I didn’t end up walking today. Said a fast goodbye to a dear friend who is going away for two whole months. And went to poetry workshop, this morning and tonight, with a new poem I feel very good about. And I picked Wave up from school, and I said, it’s forty degrees now, and he was upset, because he thinks if the temperature is getting warmer there won’t be snow this winter. I made a really nice chicken pot pie and those who like chicken pot pie, including my son, loved it.

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