#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Blue Morning, Miami Beach
Woke early from a very big and complicated and anxiety producing dream. Whoosh! Frank was gone already to run his Sunday 12-step meeting. I walked to Starbucks and returned and wrote my weekly Aim for Astonishing blog and sent that out. Felt some really good energy. Felt my energy being restored. Then, Frank was free, so we got bikes from the street and road the boardwalk. Crowded! All the walkers and runners and exercisers all along the beach. Families having fun on the sand. Little bits of sun, little bits of rain. Low clouds and a beautiful horizon. We parted after an hour for him to play tennis and I walked the beach, appreciating the small colorful beautiful natural things that caught my eye. Resting. Restoring. And I took a dip in the cool water, and I was immersed and happy. While the snow fell at home. Making the streets slippery. I walked back to our condo in the sand. I prepped for the New England Poetry Club member’s reading online, where I read three new poems and really enjoyed listening to more than twenty other poets. Filled up. Back to myself. Refreshed and inspired and grateful. Frank and I went out for a casual dinner. Just relaxing fun to be together. L