Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
Sunflower Opening.jpg


Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

The day starts with a nature walk. It’s already hot and no sign of rain, thank goodness. The rain has brought mushrooms in all shapes and sizes, colors and textures. I show Wave the mama and baby mushroom I found on the trail last night. I took a picture of it, on the left above. When I showed him the mushrooms this morning, I found that something had snacked on them during the night! Then we found, in the garden, that something has eaten more of the sunflowers. Darn! But we had fun, spraying each other with the hose, weeding a bit. Until it was time for a trip to the post office. Big errand, to pick up a letter for my daughter. He feel asleep on the four minute drive, napped with me waiting in the car with him for over an hour. Then, the letter. And because we were parked next to Frosty’s, he had ice cream, of course, on this terribly hot day. I had none, because I am fasting for a colonoscopy tomorrow. Then, to Farm Pond, the cooling off, delightful. He never got out of the water, played for hours, and I finally talked him into leaving because his mother would be home from work. Today was a day of answering at least 100 “why" inquiries. He is at the stage where his curiosity is compulsive, and most answers are inadequate and are followed by two or three more why’s until he can be distracted because he is so rarely satisfied with any answer.

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