Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Amazing weather to wake to. Solidly blue sky. Wet and fresh. I go for a swim in the pool before taking the day as a grandmother. In the garden, there is great news and bad news. A yellow squash is ready to pick––and we do. And the blossoms of the pumpkins and cukes, zucchini and eggplant are bright yellow and flourishing. But two of my sunflower stalks by the fence have been eaten by deer who must have reached their heads over the fence! I hope to replant some more seeds in time to have them in the fall. We go to Farm Pond and he plays in the water for hours. I have brought a snack, but not lunch, so that’s a challenge. He doesn’t want to go, of course, but needs a break and a meal and a nap. What kid ever wants to leave the beach? Somehow, after setting the alarm twice, and giving plenty of extra minutes, I manage to get his feet onto the sand, and from there, to carry him, peacefully, with all our gear, across the breach and up the hill. By the time we are home, he is asleep before his lunch is ready, of course. It’s a really nice vibe being home, everyone around. I make dinner and everyone appreciate this and lingers at the table past dessert and helps to clean up. For me, a walk at dusk to the brook and the river. The sky is pink with slate gray puffs. I love July so much. The Barbara Kingsolver novel is exceptional; epic and a powerful first-person narrator. The perfect summer listen, hours and hours.

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