Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Charlie in the Lily Pads

A bad weather report, a great day. Showers and clouds projected. For two or three days in a row, predictions do not pan out. And I am glad. Frank gone when I wake up. Charlie happy to be fed. I open the door and feel the muggy morning seep into the house. Today, I will walk him. I only have to backtrack once to make sure he’s following. Whew! It’s surely muggy. It’s not yet that hot, but it’s energy sapping. For both of us. In the river and wetlands, Charlie dips a lot to cool off. Still, I enjoy my walk. I am thinking about my new poem and the Ukrainian article draft. But first, I want to get those new flowers in, and some weeding done. I cool off with a quick outdoor shower and put on my long sleeve shirt and pants to avoid getting scratched to pieces if I am pulling prickers. Then I have to hose myself down to work wet! The flowers all get planted and watered, and I don’t have much energy left in this heat. Fortunately, Frank calls to me in the garden from the deck: our son is here for breakfast, (brunch?) and they are grilling. Another shower, and I am in the cool house, joining them with my lunch. My son and I have a deep and fun discussion about our new favorite show: The Bear. We’re so interested in going deep, taking it apart, admiring the storytelling, appreciating what each other has to say about it. I’m watching both seasons for the second time, encouraging him to re-watch as soon as he’s done with the second season. Today is exactly the perfect day. I work all afternoon on the Ukrainian essay revision until I am very satisfied I’ve improved it. It’s still too long. I need to have a day or two to see what I can cut, because I’m holding onto every word right now. Then, a swim with my daughter and her boyfriend at Farm Pond in the late afternoon. While I’ve been revising, she has been baking at my request: two delicious wonderful batches of zucchini bread! Late afternoon swims aren’t my favorite. I run out of steam on the way back from swimming to my friend’s (old) dock. The water is calm and still and cool in pockets. Thankfully, my daughter has an emergency snack in her beach bag so I can get some energy back. Still, I’m so glad I swam. And then, home to Frank prepping dinner, and dear friends and my daughter and her boyfriend for a delicious meal on the deck. There is a summer breeze. We watch an old Mission Impossible movie after dinner for fun to end this perfect summer day with weather so much better than predicted. And while I was swimming, I decided what to cut. It’s not enough, but it’s a start.

The railroad is taking down the trees

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