#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Aware at 4:00 a.m., out of bed, out the door by 4:20.
I like how quiet and the dark, dry and silent the streets are.
I like how I find a parking spot in central parking.
I like walking through the airport to my gate, and the worm moon is in the dark sky outside the plate glass window.
I don’t like leaving home, and loved one.
I like the feeling of setting forth on an adventure by myself.
I like my cup of Starbucks coffee—until I spill half of it.
I like when two Boston area poets recognize me in the boarding area, and there are a few of us heading to Seattle. I am not alone.
I like that I have an aisle seat and the flight is uneventful and quick and I get a lot of work done.
I like that I meet a new friend on the plane, a poet/publisher who is going to the same hotel, and instead of splitting a cab he wants to take public transportation and we do that and it’s easy and cheap and enjoyable to make the journey with another poet.
I like that I get to check in early in a short line and the woman who checks me in says they must do 800 check-ins today.
I like going to the 35th floor and finding the pool is bigger than I expected, with a wonderful view, and that means I will swim tomorrow.
I like walking the city, getting registered for the conference, seeing all the writers, standing in line, and walking in the rain without an umbrella to the waterfront and getting some exercise and seeing the skyline.
I don’t like feeling a little anxious about what to expect and all the unknowns of a huge conference like this and wondering how my readings will go.
I like the friendliness of strangers and that the rain stops and I don’t get very wet at all.
I like remembering coming here with Franci a few years ago, walking these streets in summer, seeing it all with her.
I like that I got some rest tonight and will wake early into a new day in a new place with many new things to discover.