#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
In the wetlands
I swam so much in my dream last night I wasn’t feeling excited about swimming this morning. It wasn’t an easy swim. I was trying to do my laps in lane one and a family, a mother, father and kids were playing in the lane and kept getting in the way of my lap swimming. They didn’t understand that the lanes were for lap swimming! In any case, I went to the pool, energy low, and swam my laps. And instead of the busy chaos of the pool in my dreams the pool was quiet and peaceful. I think I was just distracted by all I needed to do to get out of town. Still, I swam all the laps I intended to swim. And Charlie had his walk. And I got everything done I needed to get done. And being with writers tonight in group, listening, caring, creating, was the best end to a busy day. And being in group this morning, with my Ukrainian friends, listening and caring, was the best start to the day.