Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

November Trees

Last night, after I was in bed with the lights off, I heard an exclamation down the hall. I jumped out of bed. Snow flurries! First of the season. The little one wanted to go outside. Well, we let him, very briefly, onto the porch. The problem was he was expecting the snow to be piled on the ground this morning, and all there was was a little dampness on the ground and frost on the car windows. We had to discuss the difference between snow flurries and a snow storm. Of course, I was glad that it wasn’t a storm, and there was no grief for me. I had a great swim after they got out the door and even a short walk for Charlie who is springing back to his old self with the antibiotic in his system. What a busy day. And we ran out of oil, so my shower was cold. Actually, there was oil, but it was blocked, and easily fixed when they got here. I had a lot of work at my desk, and then I had a lot of housework and clearing up. Play lab tonight, and I’m beat. Frank better. But it felt like winter today. With the snow last night and the furnace trouble and the cold shower and the damp. But my geraniums are cheerful, blooming in the window.

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