Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Another day of not minding the rain driving us into Halloween, and November. A short walk with Charlie to the river and brook. All the wet, wet leaves on the ground, a patchwork of color. After my swim. I did a good amount of time, but my muscles were tired. Still, I hung in there. A poetry workshop this morning, where I got some helpful feedback on one of my poems. I wasn’t sure which one I would send. Thought, last night when I went to bed, that I’d wait til morning and decide. But slept so, so poorly I was awake most of the night and ended up just sending it at 3:00 a.m. so I wouldn’t feel pressured when I woke up. I had a really fun time, even in the rain, driving into Harvard Square to meet poetry friends for a quick bite to eat and then a reading at Houghton Library, given by Brenda Hillman and Robin Coste Lewis. It was really exquisite to hear them both; even though Robin came via video, after all. Drove home in the dark rain, happy to drop my friend in Newton and a chance to chat. I go into the city at night so rarely now, when I used to go in every Monday night for years, pre-Covid. Missed dinner with Wave for the second night in a row. I didn’t dare hope he’d still be up by the time I got home. But, of course, he was! He scarfed half my pumpkin muffin and asked if we’d to yoga, jumping up and down with hopeful glee. Of course! A beautiful end to the day, as usual.

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