Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Greening of the River Trees

The delicious popping out of leaves and blossoms, including the anemonies along the trail. Noticing the thrill of all this renewal. A busy day, a happy day, a sunny day, a warm April day. I led a workshop online for the International Women’s Writing Guild on Writing Monologues for the Stage that went very well. A great turnout of participants and the monologues I had lined up for performance examples went wonderfully, including my daughter Franci reading one for me that she has done before, but not in a long while, and she nailed it. A fun reminder of the wonderful collaborations we’ve had in theater. And my friend, the actor Liz Rose, now living in Ojai, again able to collaborate with me via the magic of Zoom. And Jamila Capitman, introduced to me by Franci, who also did a great monologue. After the workshop I changed clothes and went into the sunny yard to rake; a pleasant relaxation and unwinding. Then my older brother came by for a walk in the woods; my second. (I walked nine miles today!) Family night take-out, and I’m so tired right now my eyes are blurring with intense satisfaction and sleepiness.

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