Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Could it have been a lovelier day, start to finish? The howler monkeys woke us well before dawn. I fell back asleep until 6. Then, our household got up to begin our various activities. For me and my friends, a hike! A new one, crossing two beaches. We set off in our usual journey to Playa Guiones, a 7 minute walk down our dusty dirt road. We headed toward a big rock outcropping we had yet to explore. Found a path around it through the trees and reached the next beach up, Playa Palada, a gorgeous beach full of rocky tide pools. Then, we explored the strange looking hotel we’ve seen topping the tree line from the shore with the hand posing in a yoga mudra a the top. Then, made our way through some dirt roads and trees up a trail that led us to the Lagarta Lodge, a restaurant and hotel, where we had breakfast on the terrace overlooking the pacific and the rivers that flow into them. Then, we hiked back, and swam in the soft surf of Playa Guiones feeling quite refreshed from our journey. I wrote and sent my Aim for Astonishing weekly prompt, and wrote about serendipity, and seeing the turquoise browed motmot in our yard on Valentine’s Day. Then, for more of a serendipity treat, while Frank and I were at the Bodhi Tree resort where we all take yoga classes, I looked out the massive windows from my mat and saw the howler monkeys close up, swinging from the trees just outside! This was my first real glimpse of them close up and they stole all my attention for a bit. We met our friends on the late afternoon beach for sunset swim. A casual dinner outdoors at the Fish Bar. I wore a long sleeve shirt, the air was very slightly, very slightly cool after a hot, hot day.

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