#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
They won’t wear boots.
They march ahead of us
into our rooms, dripping. . .
~ Excerpt from “Living with Mistakes,” Naomi Shihab Nye
All I wanted was to be wet in the rainy woods and that’s where we went, me and Charlie, this morning, and the snow has melted from this all day rain and my sneakers will take some time to dry. I didn’t swim., after all. The walk was just right. Charlie lost me for a bit in the meadow. I don’t know how we got separated, but I backtracked, worried––Charlie can always smell me! I went up the railroad tracks I’d just gone down and circled back across the meadow, and there he came, breathless and nervous. He was so glad to find me! This, I’m afraid, used to happen to Suzi sometimes as she lost her hearing. We walked home together in the lovely rain, reunited. In the woods I could see and feel and understand so many things so clearly. How fortifying the rain can be as the trees smudge in the rippling reflection. Clarity is so much of what I’m looking for. Working so hard to be in the day, in the hour, in the minute, in the footstep, one at a time. It’s so nice to have Frank home and he and I have had a chance to really relax a bit and talk tonight by our fire. One thing I did that felt terrific today to accomplish because it weighs on my mind until it is done: the making of the holiday photo card. Check. I was telling my client/friend this morning in our session that my wallet has been returned to me by a stranger who found it. Came by mail. Intact. With a nice letter: “My husband has had his wallet returned to him, so I wanted to return the favor.” She found it where I knew I had lost it by the back of the parking lot of the doctor’s office, right by the Charles River in Wellesley. My thank you note to her is written, sealed, ready to mail with the stamp I get from the post office tomorrow when I buy the holiday card stamps.