Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

A special morning event, a special evening event framed my day. Woke into a rainy, warm November. My son asked if I had gone for my walk yet. Wanted to join me. Worked out perfectly. He packed the special one on his back and I got a break. We walked through the damp morning so pleasantly. But I was quite tired. Irritable, cranky the rest of the day. Clearing, organizing, packing/unpacking, and the house was charged with activity, furniture being moved up and down stairs for my daughter’s area. Frank and I, who have been so cheerful and resilient, snapped at each other. Lots of us, in fact, snapped at each other in the house today. Everyone is handling the disorder and incompleteness—and the work that’s done is wonderful and is making us happy. Later in the day, Frank and I exchanged apologies for being snappy, and my daughter too,. Tonight was another lovely experience that just lifted my mood. Met with my 3-month Play Lab group for two hours and worked on their scripts. That put me in a much better mood, because the writing and discussion was so moving. I am still tired, and hope to wake less so.

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