Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream


We embrace the serendipity of a day we can do as we please. Light through the window, early, and we are awake by 6:00 a.m. With messages from home, and we attend to some business via zoom and by 8:30 a.m. we have had meetings from back East, and can begin our California day. First, a long walk on the beach with Frank in the hazy sunshine and a cool air that turns humid. I could walk all day. He settles for four miles with me and then I get to go off up into the Torrey Pines nature preserve by myself. I love our long walk, the freedom to have long conversation, and to answer his good and excellent questions about my writing life, and to receive his supportive feedback. My climb up the trail by myself is also special, and I get to take a close look into the flowers. In the afternoon we find Black’s Beach where the hang gliders soar above the cliffs. We hadn’t planned on visiting this beach; we have parked to watch the hang gliders and realize there is a trail down the cliff to a gorgeous beach. We have towels with us and a bathing suit. I’m wearing my high-heeled sneakers. Terrible for this descent, so I go barefoot down the winding and steep descent with Frank, winding and winding our dusty way down to the most exquisite, remote beach where we take dips and relax in the hot sunshine. For the climb back up we walk a ways to a set of stairs set into the dirt and climb, climb, climb back up the cliff in the hot sun. We have such an amazing afternoon. And I have a poem accepted today in a journal; a nice surprise. I wasn’t sure about this poem I wrote from a dream some many months ago, and I’m glad it has found a home in a good journal for the fall. There is so much wind there is no need for motors on the hang gliders. Gutsy. Looks fairy terrifying to me. My legs logged many happy miles in a new territory today; eyes, heart, spirit and mind refreshed. I have missed traveling. I have missed traveling with my husband alone. The two of us on the road, the way we began this journey thirty four years ago Sunday.

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