#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Charles River morning sunshine and clouds
I have the juice of healing in me, this Covid vaccine. How strange, and wonderful, to think of how a vaccine brings a bit of illness to prevent worse illness. I was mildly affected; some chills last night, achiness, a stomach ache too, a tough night of sleep, and woke very late! With only two hours before my Monologue Showcase. So, I walked in my slippers and nightgown out into the fresh morning, across the stubbled field, under the cloudy blue sky, to the river, just to say a quick and necessary good morning. The clouds were squared, boxes in the river, watercolor pretty and quiet and cheerful. Then I went home to get ready. Gosh, the miracles of Zoom. What fun to collaborate on a theatrical show! Fun to work with my Playwright’s Platform friend, writer an actor, Phyllis Rittner, and what a great job she did! Then, the other playwrights, some who performed wonderfully, their own piece; All went smoothly, and the stories were quite moving, and the audience was so attentive and appreciative. Success! And I thought I’d take a nap, but I was too happy with this show, it gave me energy, so I went out and raked and picked up sticks and trimmed trees. And then had a fabulous event tonight, running the IWWG Open Mic, featuring my friend, the poet, Jenny Grassl, and she gave a sublime reading, followed by the open mic. . . wow. Well, now all my vaccine symptoms have passed. And I feel light and rippling as the blue and white river clouds under the sky.