Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream


“All cultures and peoples turn to poetry during times of celebration, transformation and challenge—those times when ordinary language cannot carry meaning beyond our understanding.”
Joy Harjo

A Monday that isn’t really a regular Monday; a strange feeling, here in Boston. Marathon Day in October, on Indigenous People’s Day, instead of Patriot’s Day. Frank leaves earlier on his plane, realizing that he won’t be able to get to the airport after the Marathon starts. I am so proud of my friend, Megan, working mother of three young children, running and finishing! Instead of running, this morning, I walk and enjoy the warmth, heating up, appreciating the foliage brightening all along the river’s edge and in the wetlands where I notice this spectacular flaming tree. I’m warm and want to swim, but I can’t run to Farm Pond with Charlie and I have a lot to do and want to get to my desk. I decide I won’t go. But, somehow I find myself getting into my bathing suit, grabbing towel and goggles, and getting in the car. I think, I’ll just jump in and out of the pond. There is no one on the beach, no one in the water. Even the geese have gone. I dive in and realize I don’t want to hurry out. The pond is all mine. It’s wonderfully cool and a little choppy, and every time I lift my head I see the trees lining the edge of this small world, brightly lit. I am so glad I came. A perfect start. It turns into a busy day at my desk and I don’t get everything done. I manage to send off my poem for workshop tonight; revisions done a few days ago. Taxes not quite done, must be wrapped up. Tonight I feel my revisions are successful. All day, I am cheered by this tree. Red and gold, such energy, such warmth to carry with me, after the pond swim, I am warm.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to leading this writing webinar, and sharing my red and gold energy with all who come.



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