#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Truck on Death Bridge, Charles River Reflection
"There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you ..... In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself."
- Ruth Stout
I woke too early, really tired. But lines were coming to me for my poem and I woke myself up to edit before I lost them. Frank woke beside me. I brought us coffee and I stayed awake working on my poem, then sent it off to my workshop. I was too tired to get out of bed and so I lingered, slept more and woke feeling more energy to start the day. It was mild, and a light snow was falling. At the river I stopped to look at the river reflections. A blue truck passed over the bridge and I caught it’s lively reflection. Cheerful and pleasing blue and pink to add energy to the morning. I didn’t stay out that long after all as I had a very busy day to get to. Our poetry workshop ran long and my poem was read last. I was pleased with the positive feedback as I was not sure it was working at all. I am glad I pushed for this poem, stayed with it and now I feel I have a strong first draft to work on. This made me feel, once again, the blue and pink cheerfulness of the truck in the river. I let this energy drive me into my next event, producing and hosting the IWWG Open mic in mid-afternoon. We had an amazing crowd of writers and listeners, such diversity and cultural richness. Our feature, Andrene Bonner, shared her novels for young people, on the them of literacy fiction and she’s Jamaican born and she had lots of friends who were there and, once again, I felt the cheerful, lively blue truck feelings. After that, I had to give myself an hour nap. Then I woke to finish preparing the material and prompt to start my new 6-month Aim for Astonishing webinar this evening. My daughter and husband made dinner, what a relief! A quick break, and then my group began, and it’s always excited to feel a new group of writers forming, and seeing, immediately, this group will work well. The writing and sharing was rich. Yes, once again, the truck drove through my evening. And follows me, here, to bed, for a very very good night’s sleep.