Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Filtering by: jinx and heavenly calling

Kelly's Epistolary Erasure Webinar: Giving New Life to Old Letters with Poetry & Palimpsest, July 19, 7:00 p.m. ET
7:00 PM19:00

Kelly's Epistolary Erasure Webinar: Giving New Life to Old Letters with Poetry & Palimpsest, July 19, 7:00 p.m. ET

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

7:00-8:30 p.m. EST

On Zoom, Sponsored by the Franciscan Center of Tampa

With: Kelly DuMar

...a letter is a joy of earth — it is denied the gods.

~ Emily Dickinson, 1885

We rarely communicate with actual mailed letters today. And yet many of us have access to family archives containing rich personal histories of intimate and compelling relationships. This workshop springs from Kelly’s process of developing a poetry collection from letter archives through the form of erasure. She will illuminate the creative process of developing new writing and meaning from personal archives and guide you to explore the exciting multi-generational impact of this dynamic form. New and experienced writers are welcome, as well as writers working in memoir and other genres.


Erasure poetry, also known as blackout poetry, is a form of found poetry wherein a poet takes an existing text and erases, blacks out, or otherwise obscures a large portion of the text, creating a wholly new work from what remains. ~ The Academy of American Poets


PLEASE BRING: A copy of an original letter of any length in your possession that was sent via the mail. You might be, but you don’t have to be the addressee. This letter might be a postcard or other mailed document, typewritten or handwritten. If you have the original envelope, please bring that too. A jpg image of the letter/envelope is fine for this workshop so that you do not alter any originals.


Fee: $20.00 (no refunds)


About Kelly DuMar 

A poet, playwright, and workshop leader, Kelly guides new and experienced writers to generate new writing across genre. Kelly’s fourth poetry collection, “jinx and heavenly calling––I poached a portion of my mother’s love letters to my father, 1953-1954,” was published in March 2023, by Lily Poetry Books. Kelly is also author of Before You Forget— The Wisdom of Writing Diaries for Your Children, and many published plays. She blogs her nature photos and creative writing from the Charles River (where she lives) daily, for the past six years, at http://www.kellydumar.com/blog.

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Epistolary Erasure Webinar (free) with Kelly DuMar June 14, 2023, 7-8 p.m. ET
7:00 PM19:00

Epistolary Erasure Webinar (free) with Kelly DuMar June 14, 2023, 7-8 p.m. ET

...a letter is a joy of earth — it is denied the gods.
~Emily Dickinson

We rarely communicate with actual mailed letters today. And yet many of us have access to family archives containing rich personal histories of intimate and compelling relationships. This workshop springs from Kelly’s process of developing a poetry collection from letter archives through the form of erasure. She will illuminate the creative process of developing new writing and meaning from personal archives and guide you to explore the exciting multi-generational impact of this dynamic form. New and experienced writers are welcome, as well as writers working in memoir and other genres.

PLEASE BRING: A copy of an original letter of any length in your possession that was sent via the mail. You might be, but you don’t have to be the addressee. This letter might be a postcard or other mailed document, typewritten or handwritten. If you have the original envelope, please bring that too. A jpg image of the letter/envelope is fine for this workshop so that you do not alter any originals.

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Kelly is reading with Medusa's Birthday Virtual Reading at the Spiral Bookcase, 7 p.m. ET  May 22, 2023
7:00 PM19:00

Kelly is reading with Medusa's Birthday Virtual Reading at the Spiral Bookcase, 7 p.m. ET May 22, 2023

The Spiral Bookcase will be hosting Medusa's virtual birthday reading on Monday, May 22, at 7 p.m. Eastern.

Ignatius Valentine Aloysius

Kelly DuMar

Leigh Anne Hornfeldt

Julia Leverone

Victoria Mier

Greg Blake Miller


Event by The Spiral Bookcase

You are cordially invited to the one-year anniversary of Raegen M. Pietrucha’s book, “Head of a Gorgon.” We’ll celebrate Medusa’s first birthday with an evening of poetry and magic! Writers, publishers and booksellers that have helped little Medusa grow big and strong will read from selected works, and the evening will conclude with poetry from Raegen herself. We encourage anyone with an interest in poetry, Greek mythology and feminine rage to join us! This event is free to attend and will be hosted on Zoom. Pre-registration on Eventbrite is required.


RAEGEN M. PIETRUCHA writes, edits, and consults creatively and professionally. Head of a Gorgon is her debut full-length poetry collection. Her debut poetry chapbook, An Animal I Can't Name, won the 2015 Two of Cups Press competition, and she has a memoir in progress. She received her MFA from Bowling Green State University, where she was an assistant editor for Mid-American Review. Her writing has been published in Cimarron Review, Puerto del Sol, and other journals. Connect with her at raegenmp.wordpress.com and on Twitter @freeradicalrp.

GREG BLAKE MILLER, Ph.D., is an award-winning writer and editor who teaches literary nonfiction and media studies at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is also the editorial director of rjmagazine and director of Olympian Creative, a coaching and mentoring service for creative professionals. Honored as Nevada’s Outstanding Journalist, Miller also writes fiction; he is the author of the illustrated short-story collection Decemberlands, and his recent work appears in Red Canary’s Eco Lit series. He is a former staff writer for The Moscow Times and is currently completing a novel set in the 1960s Soviet Union. Learn more at GregBlakeMiller.org.

LEIGH ANNE HORNFELDT’s work has appeared widely in journals including New Southerner, Lunch Ticket, and Spry. She has written three chapbooks, most recently Fleshed (Winged City Press). She is the recipient of the Kudzu prize in poetry as well as the Juliette Miller Scholarship from SAFTA. She lives and writes in North Carolina.

KELLY DUMAR is a poet, playwright and workshop facilitator from Boston. She’s author of four poetry collections, including jinx and heavenly calling, published by Lily Poetry Review Books in March 2023. Kelly teaches a variety of creative writing workshops and runs Play Labs for the International Women’s Writing Guild and the Transformative Language Arts Network. Kelly produces the Featured Open Mic for the Journal of Expressive Writing. Reach her at kellydumar.com

JULIA LEVERONE is a comparatist who has taught writing, literature, culture, and Spanish. Her debut full-length poetry collection, Duo, is forthcoming from Kelsay Books. Her book of translations of selected poetry of Francisco “Paco” Urondo, Fuel and Fire, won a grant from the Argentine government, and her second poetry chapbook, Little Escape, won the 2016 Claudia Emerson Prize from JMWW. She holds a PhD from Washington University in St. Louis and an MFA from the University of Maryland at College Park. She currently lives in the Appalachians, but is native to northeastern Massachusetts and has lived in Dallas. She has served on the editorial staffs of Smartish Pace, Sakura Review, and Asymptote, and is the founder and editor of AzonaL, the online magazine of poetry in translation. Her website is julialeverone.com and she can be found on Facebook and Instagram (@julia.leverone).

IGNATIUS VALENTINE ALOYSIUS earned his MFA in Creative Writing from Northwestern University, where he won the Distinguished Thesis Award for fiction and is currently a lecturer in writing and experimentation there. He is the Twice Pushcart nominated author of the literary novel Fishhead. Republic of Want (Tortoise Books, 2020), and his prose and poetry have appeared in or are forthcoming in Cold Mountain Review, Tofu Ink Arts Press, Trampset, and the Coalition for Digital Narratives, among other venues. A host and curator of Sunday Salon Chicago, a literary reading series in its 17th year, Ignatius is shopping his second novel, a literary/speculative work, and his two poetry collections are under contract with Tofu Ink Arts Press for release in 2023-24. He is currently finishing a poetry collection collaboration with David Allen Sullivan, recent Poet Laureate of Santa Cruz, CA.

FREDDY LA FORCE is the founder and editor of Vegetarian Alcoholic Press, an independent publisher with over thirty books in print, including “Head of a Gorgon.” Learn more at http://vegetarianalcoholicpress.com.

VICTORIA MIER is a disabled writer, independent bookshop owner and suspected changeling. In Victoria’s work, you’ll find strange doors, spilled cups of tea, star-crossed souls, and gloomy train stations. You can read their writing in Del Sol SFF Review, Fifth Wheel Press, Vulnerary Magazine, SORTES Magazine and Luna Luna Magazine. She’s currently working on a full-length manuscript. Learn more at victoriamier.com and follow along on instagram at @victoriamier.

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I'll be reading poems at Mass. Poetry Festival, Friday, May 5, 2023, 3:30 p.m. LIVE with Lily Poetry
3:30 PM15:30

I'll be reading poems at Mass. Poetry Festival, Friday, May 5, 2023, 3:30 p.m. LIVE with Lily Poetry

I’ll be reading poems, LIVE, at the Mass. Poetry Festival on Friday, May 5, 2023 with Lily Poetry Review Books authors!

MAY 5, 2023, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. ET


REGISTER HERE for the Mass. Poetry Festival

So happy to be in this line-up of Lily Poets who will read together!

Lily Poetry Review Books is pleased to share a sampling of some of its 2023 poets reading from their new books. Featuring Kelly DuMar, Richard Hoffman, Deborah Leipziger, Josette Akresh- Gonzales and Gloria Monaghan

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Tommy Archuleta Features at Journal of Expressive Writing May 4, 2023, 7 p.m. ET    (Copy) (Copy)
7:00 PM19:00

Tommy Archuleta Features at Journal of Expressive Writing May 4, 2023, 7 p.m. ET (Copy) (Copy)


Tommy Archuleta
Featured Poet
Thursday, May 4, 2023
7-8:30 p.m. EST

The Journal's OPEN MIC series is FREE to attend and OPEN TO ALL, but you do need to Pre-Register through eventbrite to get the live Zoom link.

The OPEN MIC series is produced and hosted by Kelly DuMar.

On May 4, 2023, our monthly OPEN MIC series will feature Tommy Archuleta, a mental health and substance abuse counselor for the New Mexico Corrections Department and author of the HOT OFF THE PRESS collection entitled, Susto, "a whittled bone of a book, seething with marrow."

About Susto:

Surreal yet earthbound, orphaned yet mothered more than most, comforting yet disturbing— Tommy Archuleta’s Susto surveys many settings: the body, the soul, the terrain the soul encounters upon leaving the body. But the setting is also the high desert landscape that is the poet’s northern New Mexico home, a land whose beauty today is as silencing and brutal as was the colonization of the region and her Anasazi descendants by Archuleta’s Spanish antipasados.

In Susto, loss is everywhere to be found, though this work is not merely a concerted meditation on lament. Rather, it is part unearthed family album; part unlocked diary; part ode to motherhood and her various forms; part manual on preparing for a happy death; and part primer on the ancient art of curanderismo, whereby plants and roots are prepared for treating all manner of ills a mind and body might face.

About Tommy Archuleta:

Tommy Archuleta's poems have appeared in the New England Review, Laurel Review, Lily Poetry Review, The Cortland Review, Guesthouse, and the Poem-a-Day series sponsored by the Academy of American Poets. His debut full-length collection entitled, Susto, (Center for Literary Publishing, Colorado State University Press), and his debut chapbook, Fieldnotes (Lily Poetry Review & Press) were both release in April 2023. He lives and writes on the Cochiti Reservation.

In addition to our featured writer, 15 other pre-registered writers will read their work. Each of our contributing authors will have 3 minutes to read their best expressive writing, poetry, stories, free writing, non-fiction, personal essay, memoir, reflective essay, prose, contemplative discourse, and creative non-fiction.

Come listen to Tommy Archuleta and 15 other amazing authors read their work LIVE!

The Journal's OPEN MIC series is FREE to attend and OPEN TO ALL, but you do need to Pre-Register through eventbrite to get the live Zoom link.

The OPEN MIC series is produced and hosted by Kelly DuMar.


(she/her) Boston based poet, playwright, daily blogger, and leader of creative writing organizations—in person and online—for 30 years. Kelly's philosophy about teaching and coaching is simple: Your stories are not only meaningful, they are beautiful, and they deserve to be written, crafted and shared.

Journal of Expressive Writing Submissions

Our Call for Submissions is always open,
because there is never a deadline on creativity. Never a fee to submit.

New content published weekly. All voices wanted!

About the Founder and Editor-in-Chief:

Jennifer A. Minotti (she/her) is a Writer-in-Residence at the Center for Women's Health and Human Rights at Suffolk University. For the past 25 years, she has dedicated her professional life toward working for the betterment of society. For 17 years, Jen worked at Education Development Center (EDC)—a global non-profit working to improve education, health, and economic opportunities worldwide—in a variety of technology, research, writing, and leadership roles.

In 2012, Jen founded the Women's Writing Circle as a means to merge her passions for expressive writing, positive psychology, community organizing, women’s health, and social activism. ​In 2020, she founded the Journal of Expressive Writing in order to provide a place for sharing expressive writing, believing that we need this space on a fundamental, human level, individually and collectively. Jen is a graduate of Boston University (B.S.) and Columbia University (M.A., M.Ed). Her writing has appeared in numerous refereed journals, anthologies and literary publications.

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Lisa Lucca Features at Journal of Expressive Writing April 27, 2023, 7 p.m. ET
7:00 PM19:00

Lisa Lucca Features at Journal of Expressive Writing April 27, 2023, 7 p.m. ET

Lisa Lucca
Featured Author
Thursday, April 27, 2023
7-8:30 p.m. EST

Lisa Lucca is the award-winning author of Ashes to Ink: A Memoir, a story that shines a light on the challenges of living true to who we are. She is a member of the 2023 cast of the off-Broadway production of Listen to Your Mother NYC performing Teal Dreams, a passage from her book. Lisa was awarded the 2022 Literary Legacy Award from El Paso College and was named an Outstanding Woman of the Mesilla Valley for her contributions to the Borderland community in literature and media. Lisa was a #Blogher Voice of the Year Honoree and her work has been published in several anthologies, including the collection, Crone Rising. She is the co-author of the epistolary memoir, You Are Loved, with her partner, Mark Mathias.

She and Mark share their home in the high desert of southern New Mexico where she continues her work as a life & writing coach and hosts a weekly public radio show, Live True, offering insightful and engaging interviews about living a creative life. 

Learn more about Lisa here.

The Journal's OPEN MIC series is FREE to attend and OPEN TO ALL, but you do need to Pre-Register through eventbrite to get the live Zoom link.

The OPEN MIC series is produced and hosted by Kelly DuMar.

The Journal's OPEN MIC series is FREE to attend and OPEN TO ALL, but you do need to Pre-Register through eventbrite to get the live Zoom link.

The OPEN MIC series is produced and hosted by Kelly DuMar.


(she/her) Boston based poet, playwright, daily blogger, and leader of creative writing organizations—in person and online—for 30 years. Kelly's philosophy about teaching and coaching is simple: Your stories are not only meaningful, they are beautiful, and they deserve to be written, crafted and shared.

Journal of Expressive Writing Submissions

Our Call for Submissions is always open,
because there is never a deadline on creativity. Never a fee to submit.

New content published weekly. All voices wanted!

About the Founder and Editor-in-Chief:

Jennifer A. Minotti (she/her) is a Writer-in-Residence at the Center for Women's Health and Human Rights at Suffolk University. For the past 25 years, she has dedicated her professional life toward working for the betterment of society. For 17 years, Jen worked at Education Development Center (EDC)—a global non-profit working to improve education, health, and economic opportunities worldwide—in a variety of technology, research, writing, and leadership roles.

In 2012, Jen founded the Women's Writing Circle as a means to merge her passions for expressive writing, positive psychology, community organizing, women’s health, and social activism. ​In 2020, she founded the Journal of Expressive Writing in order to provide a place for sharing expressive writing, believing that we need this space on a fundamental, human level, individually and collectively. Jen is a graduate of Boston University (B.S.) and Columbia University (M.A., M.Ed). Her writing has appeared in numerous refereed journals, anthologies and literary publications.

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Join us in person for the Lily Poetry Review Books SPRING RELEASES Sat. April 8, 2024 in Weymouth, MA
3:00 PM15:00

Join us in person for the Lily Poetry Review Books SPRING RELEASES Sat. April 8, 2024 in Weymouth, MA

I'm delighted to be in this line-up of Spring Releases and will be reading with my Lily Poetry pals, Saturday, April 8, 3-5 p.m. LIVE at Open Doors Yoga Studios Center for the Arts, 65 Washington Street, Weymouth, MA FREE EVENT: LEARN MORE HERE

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Kelly DuMar Features at Journal of Expressive Writing March 30, 2023, 7 p.m. ET
7:00 PM19:00

Kelly DuMar Features at Journal of Expressive Writing March 30, 2023, 7 p.m. ET

Kelly DuMar
Featured Author & Book Launch
Thursday, March 30, 2023
7-8:30 p.m. EST

Book Launch! jinx and heavenly calling––I poached a portion of my mother’s love letters to my father, 1953-1954

The Journal of Expressive Writing is more than a publication. We aim to be an engaged and supportive community of writers and listeners. Giving our focused attention to each other’s voices, stories and writing is a generous, necessary act of humanity, repair and celebration.

On April 6, 2023, our monthly OPEN MIC series will feature Kelly DuMar (she/her/hers), who's new book, jinx and heavenly calling, is HOT OFF THE PRESS and just published by Lily Poetry Review Books!

ABOUT THE BOOK: Lusty, vigorous, zestful. It’s hard to imagine our parents in the throes of passion, yet jinx and heavenly calling does just that. DuMar culls original text and graphics from love letters her mother penned to the poet’s father during 1953-1954. From these letters mailed between first date and marriage, DuMar distills her mother’s intimacies, anxieties, and endearments, engaging readers in the captivating dynamic of a couple falling into a 50-year future.

Kelly DuMar is a poet, playwright and workshop facilitator from Boston. She’s author of four poetry chapbooks, including jinx and heavenly calling, published by Lily Poetry Review Books in March. Kelly’s poems and photos are published in a variety of literary journals. She teaches creative writing and runs Play Labs for the International Women’s Writing Guild and the Transformative Language Arts Network. Kelly produces the Featured Open Mic for the Journal of Expressive Writing. Learn more about Kelly here.

Eileen Cleary, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Lily Poetry Review and Lily Poetry Review Books, will interview Kelly about her new book. Eileen holds MFA’s in poetry from Solstice and Lesley University. She published recent work in The Sugar House Review, JAMA, West Texas Literary Review Solstice: A Magazine for Diverse Voices, and The American Journal of Poetry, among others. Her full-length poetry collections include Child Ward of the Commonwealth, (Main Street Rag, 2019) and 2 A. M. with Keats (Nixes Mate, 2021.)

In addition to our featured writer, 15 other pre-registered writers will read their work. Each of our contributing authors will have 3 minutes to read their best expressive writing, poetry, stories, free writing, non-fiction, personal essay, memoir, reflective essay, prose, contemplative discourse, and creative non-fiction. All Open Mic readers must pre-register ahead of time for a slot.

Come listen to Kelly DuMar and 15 other amazing authors read their work LIVE!

The Journal's OPEN MIC series is FREE to attend and OPEN TO ALL, but you do need to Pre-Register through eventbrite to get the live Zoom link.

The OPEN MIC series is produced and hosted by Kelly DuMar.


(she/her) Boston based poet, playwright, daily blogger, and leader of creative writing organizations—in person and online—for 30 years. Kelly's philosophy about teaching and coaching is simple: Your stories are not only meaningful, they are beautiful, and they deserve to be written, crafted and shared.


Journal of Expressive Writing Submissions

Our Call for Submissions is always open,
because there is never a deadline on creativity. Never a fee to submit.

New content published weekly. All voices wanted!

About the Founder and Editor-in-Chief:

Jennifer A. Minotti (she/her) is a Writer-in-Residence at the Center for Women's Health and Human Rights at Suffolk University. For the past 25 years, she has dedicated her professional life toward working for the betterment of society. For 17 years, Jen worked at Education Development Center (EDC)—a global non-profit working to improve education, health, and economic opportunities worldwide—in a variety of technology, research, writing, and leadership roles.

In 2012, Jen founded the Women's Writing Circle as a means to merge her passions for expressive writing, positive psychology, community organizing, women’s health, and social activism. ​In 2020, she founded the Journal of Expressive Writing in order to provide a place for sharing expressive writing, believing that we need this space on a fundamental, human level, individually and collectively. Jen is a graduate of Boston University (B.S.) and Columbia University (M.A., M.Ed). Her writing has appeared in numerous refereed journals, anthologies and literary publications.

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