Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Really, it felt like the first Monday back from a very long winter holiday season. Icy cold, but no snow here, the snow is falling on lots of people elsewhere. The river is somewhat frozen and black with cold. The geese weren’t even hanging out. It was a challenge getting the certain someone out the door. Wouldn’t eat his breakfast. Mondays are like that for all of us. Still it was a day of getting things done. Even though I felt very angsty about poems. My youngest stopped by. Before she left, just before dinner, I asked if she wanted to play ping pong, and she did! We played two out of three and we are very well matched, the games were close, so it was very fun. (And I won!) Such fond memories of playing with my family growing up. My father loved ping pong and my mother liked to play too. And we often played on the table after dinner in the basement. After dinner my daughter played with Wave. She is teaching him how, so she sits at one end of the table and lobs the balls to him, and he sits at the other end and hits them back. (Well, he’s learning to hit them back.) It was really fun to watch him, and I was the ball girl, running around picking them all up. He’s gonna be good.

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