Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Still, the rain. And so cool! It’s suddenly another season. And I have enjoyed the break in the heat and humidity. I am glad all the growing things are having their thirst quenched. I took Charlie out for a wet walk, all the saturated bright colors cheerful. Then a swim. Then Israeli therapist support group. Then, my cousin and her husband came by to exchange some of my aunt and uncle’s things. Gave them the boxes of photo albums to look through; I got the boxes of paperwork. And a nice visit. I sent my daughter off to yoga and Wave and I went for a long walk, part run, up to King Philip’s overlook. He was a transformer. No longer is the machine something outside––he IS the machine. He has claws and all the necessary parts––a wrecking ball, etc. He has tires that are metal and tires that are rubber and he can instantly use the ones that fit the surface we have to cross. He ran low on gas so I filled him up at the goldenrod. A gray haired woman out for hike came up behind us, we chatted briefly, she passed us, and then Wave ran up to her from behind, slipped his hand in hers and walked down the trail with her. Then he wanted her and I to hold each of his hands and swing him. A lovely lady who was willing to let this stranger child approach her with affection and warmth and connection. As I heard her story, I was particularly glad we had a chance to meet, walking with Wave up the railroad tracks. She has had two grandchildren born this year, her first. But she has lost her husband and her dog died of a broken heart. What a meeting! I do think Wave has an instinct for giving cheerful affection to those who need it. We parted ways cheerfully and he and I had a great time as transformers, and walked home by the blackberries, noting their level of ripeness. Two more weeks, I tell him. He rode my back for awhile. And it took so long to get home because we ran into so many barriers and threats that we had to figure out how to get through! Electric fences guarded by monsters with swords and spikes! I was starving, it was dinner time, and I had to really use my wits to get us safely into the house so I could serve us leftovers from last night. His mother home cheerful and well exercised. Frank home tomorrow.

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