#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Tree Trunk, Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary
The gorilla and mother nature didn’t get out the door to start Trick or Treating tonight until 8:00 p.m. I thought they’d given up on the idea. Wave was tired, maybe. Or just happy to be home with toys. I picked him up from school. He had a goodie bag which kept him quite happy all the way to Broadmoor. We went for a hike in one of our favorite places. And it was lovely. We went all the way to the waterfall, but the water wasn’t falling. Drought. Still, we were both quite happy. He talked me into trying a trail we weren’t familiar with, and he got tired and wanted to be on my back, and we got lost. Not terribly seriously. But enough to make me a little nervous, hoping to get back to the car before dusk. And it was so hot this afternoon. And he really wasn’t in the mood to walk. I got some help to find the right way back––and I was quite relieved when we reached the car. We had gone on a three-mile hike it turned out. And we enjoyed sharing our adventure when we got home. I have not seen how he did with his bag of candy, but they were quite happy as they left. My daughter dressed up charmingly as Mother Nature. But I think after today’s hike, I deserve the title. And the treats.