#NewThhisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Milkweed Meadow
Up before even the dogs, even before Fudgey. 5:00 a.m., just because I was awake. These are cool mornings with bright skies. I am still on a break from swimming, and glad to have my long walks in the autumn landscape. This time of milkweed explosion in the meadow. The leaves under foot bright assorted colors, not yet brown, not yet crunchy dry. Everything is still moist. There was a lovely, fresh chill on my cheeks. The brook bed, still black, still empty of water. I listened to a podcast, a challenging and interesting conversation between Ta-Nehesi Coats and Ezra Klein. about the essay/book Coates recently published after his trip to the West Bank and Israel. Then, off to my hairdresser where I rested my mind. My mind generally needs rest on Friday, and today that held true. By the end of the day Fridays, my brain can feel a bit like the milkweed fluff. I got virtually no work done. And then had a lovely evening with friends, a delicious meal, laughs and tenderness. The family consensus is that Fudgey stays. Everyone seems to feel very strongly about making his home here permanent. I’m less enthusiastic, but I am willing. It seems he is ours to stay.