Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Afternoon Brook

I am awake early for a busy day. I plan to swim, and walk. But there is someone in the house who wakes up unhappy, in need of distraction and cheering. The garden is my solution. Peas climbing. They have tiny tiny little arm tendrils, I explain, [there is still crying] and these tendrils reach out and grip whatever they can hold onto so they can climb and climb, higher and higher, maybe even to the clouds. Now, I have his attention. We must go to the garden and see the peas climbing. Somehow, though, we don’t make it that far. The grass is soaking wet. It’s cool as September and feels more like fall. So, on the way to the garden we turn around. Hot chocolate wins over pea tendrils. And a biscuit, toasted, with butter and jam. I have my Ukraine group. We draw something that is sustaining us. And then I must drive to Upton, about 35 minutes away, because I am going to be interviewed for a cable tv show about my writing and groups. I stop at a Starbucks to meat with Vanessa, my poetry mentor, and we have a very very powerful session on my manuscript, and I come away grateful as heck to be working with her. The interview is fun, easy, stressless and I think I say some meaningful things about writing and imagination and transformation. Speaking of that, I get a great response about the article I submitted, with some edits that I haven’t looked at yet. I’m getting a bit backed up. And tonight, my final Aim for Astonishing workshop as we break for the summer, and I will miss this group for Tuesday nights until we reconvene. Oh! There are tadpoles galore in the frog pond, and that is this evening’s distraction from tears. A boy at the frog pond with tadpoles is content, watching them swim their tiny little swims. Alas, I am not a tadpole, I am a grandmother, and I had no swim today.

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