#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Bench under water at brook
Here in the dark at the light of my computer with my grandson beside me. We are managing to have some heat from a portable heater in our bedroom tonight from the generator downstairs that is giving us a panel of electricity.; The neighbors got their’s back at dark tonight. Looks like ours will be back tomorrow. We are managing well. I had my wonderful swim this morning, and a short walk for Charlie. All the paths through the woods here by the river are flooded. The tent is on its little island, surrounded by overflow from the river. But it’s dry! A highlight of the day was meeting with my Israeli therapist support group. The prompt I gave worked amazingly and we had a very intimate and honest and uplifting, poignant session. Still feel a welling up of emotion just remembering. So many things going on as we approach winter solstice. The early darkness is truly darkness when the electricity is out! We had the most amazing dinner by the gas fireplace in the dining room tonight. Pizza and a great talk. We have Wave to thank for our cheerful dinner ritual: How was your day? And we each get to respond with a sad part of our day and a happy part of our day. And this sharing really lifted all of our spirits. And the pizza too. The brook has truly never been so high and the bench is submerged. This too shall pass. The shortest day will come soon, and then we will move beyond it.