Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From His Photo Stream

Morning Brook Overflowing

When has the river been this high and overflowing? Sunday’s rain really flooded the wetlands. The Rocky Narrows trail across the brook is un-passable and flowing swiftly. I had a lovely wake up with Wave who got out of bed at the first nudge. “Is it a school day?” Yes. He chose to go into my room under a blanket to be served his dipping egg and juice and hot chocolate. A very good mood this morning. And, mine too! My arm was very sore and I didn’t sleep all that well, but this was a happy part of my morning. And I did go the pool and managed to swim my mile but I knew the shots were dragging me down. Glad I did it anyway. And I had time to work on poems and submissions. Met with my Israeli therapists support groups, which was very meaningful, and then, in the late afternoon, ran errands which quickly wore me out. A tiredness flooded my body that felt like the influence of the shots. Fine. Home to a very early bedtime. I am disciplined about revising my poems and submitting, and more of the same planned for tomorrow.

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