Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Waning Moon

Tonight the waning moon beams in my bedroom window. It has been such a strong presence these last few nights. It’s hanging in a cold cold sky over New England tonight. I am feeling the fulness of the day, start to finish, every pocket of the day full. Before my swim, before getting the boy out the door, before everything but coffee we had a little house crisis. Last night my daughter and her boyfriend found, very late, a stray cat outside the door in the cold night. Cat who came eagerly into our home when the door opened. What to do? They tucked the cat with a litter box after feeding it in Frank’s office with the doors shut, and posted online about a found cat. So, this morning, when my daughter and I and Wave went in Frank’s office, we heard a low persistent moan. The cat had, inexplicably, gotten stuck behind a cabinet holding Frank’s printer. So we had quite a time, four of us, moving the cabinet and coaxing the cat out. And during all this, the owner was found, contacted, and on her way. Before breakfast! I had a wonderful swim, as usual, and no time to walk Charlie before Wednesday morning writer’s group. Then the Israeli support group, our third week, a new member. Very moving. Co-facilitating with my friend Tonya is working so well. One more session after that, and then to the kitchen for dinner prep and a sweet visit from my dear friend while I prepped. I’m bleary eyed now as I write; a lovely dinner with conversation and connection, then a Zoom with Tonya, again!, to record one of the monologues for my play lab showcase Sunday since she can’t be there in person. Yikes. I’m pooped. Falling asleep under the waning moon of November.