Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Door, Santa Fe

. . . the image of a door is liminal,
passing from one place into another
one state to the other, boundaries

and promises and threats. Inside
to outside, light into dark, dark into
light, cold into warm, known into
strange, safe into terror, wind

into stillness, silence into noise
or music. . .

~ Excerpt from Marge Piercy, “Doors opening, closing on us”

I set my alarm early, 5:00 a.m., so I can work on prepping for the retreat I am helping Frank with this week. My walk must wait. To breakfast on a snowy surface. A dusting overnight. Today is a work day for both of us. In a pleasant way, at least for me, as I love how I live my writing life, there, here, everywhere. And I have mu Ukrainian support group, which is very powerful. And a session with my poetry mentor on my manuscript: so so helpful; recognizing new possibilities in creating the integrity of this collection. In the afternoon I take a walk into town between meetings and look in shop windows. In the afternoon it snows heavily! And again I walk in the slushy streets, sprayed with slushy snow, head to toe. I don’t mind. I love walking this charming city. The sun comes out, the sun lights the low clouds. I am so happy to be here. I lead my Aim for Astonishing writers tonight; another yes yes yes, I’m glad to be with these writers. Dinner with Frank by a wood burning fireplace and so much to process from our day. I realize I have now been to New Mexico, to Santa Fe area in every season. Early fall still my favorite, but glad to experience Santa Fe in big fat fast heavy snowflakes falling in the afternoon.

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