#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Morning through the trees
Oh, yes, summer is no longer. I have to check the weather on my cell phone three times, maybe four––really? A high of 59? Can that be? Actually, the thermometer, I notice in my car, by afternoon strikes 62. Still the walk is lovely with Charlie even though I am not feeling great. I have the mild virus the Special One has. A general malaise that makes the body ache and a woozy head. Still, I am well enough to enjoy this walk. And the brook has water again! It’s not full, just puddling on the bottom, but it’s coming back. Today I had a remarkable experience of being interviewed by a writer for an article she is writing. Just answering deep and thoughtful questions about my life and work—what a luxury, to be listened to for an hour about what I care about and what I do. A highlight of the day. After I pick up the Special One, late afternoon, we go into the yard, he insists on bare feet and I show him the water in the brook and so he must experience it himself and walks in the puddles and mud quite cheerfully. Soon enough, is ready to have his socks and shoes put back on! Indoors, we all drape blankets over our laps for a very very cool fall evening, and no fireplace––yet. But soon, and one that will be very welcome.