#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Yard before bed
Weeds. Friends. Monologues. Rain. Ooops. No walk for Charlie. But we were outside in the yard much of the day. First, I must explain to the Special One what is the difference between morning dew and rain. And the rain comes later in the day, thank goodness. My daughter says in the yard, “It’s wonderful to see the plants coming back.” Indeed, I am glad to hear that she notices too. I start weeding early. I weed and weed and trip off the dead, drought damaged branches of the rhododendron. Housework, sweeping the deck. I am busy outdoors a good part of the day. And, all of it is encouraging, as the plants drink up the recent moisture. Brook still dry, though. A small gathering with dear friends to watch the tennis mens’ final and a meal. I have to leave early to run my Play Lab for the monologue course. Wow. It’s going to be a very dynamic experience. And I have a wonderful guest actor join us in person, Jamila Capitman, who performs, live, Benethea’s monologue from Raisin in the Sun, and Rose’s Monologue from
Fences. I’m so lucky to have her. And my daughter records a monologue for me to use in my demonstration since she cannot be there in person. She performs Emily’s monologue from Thornton Wilder’s Our Town. You can watch it here, if you like. A rare day when I get to the end and realize I haven’t taken a photo for my blog. I go outside into the evening. The deck is damp from the rain and the air is cool and fresh and the yard is quiet, but there is so much going on in the trees and the ground and behind the clouds in the sky. So much more than I can see and know.