#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Cormorant, Vineyard Sound
Wake early, with Frank, who goes into Vineyard Haven to the morning meeting. I go with Charlie on our walk to the beach through the Menemsha Hills. Same walk as yesterday; a bit further. I go to Great Rock Bight and take my dip while Charlie waits on the sand. Lots of cormorants on the rocks this morning, drying their wings. It’s a bright, warm day; no threat of rain. The house is very quiet. Just me and Frank enjoying our one-on-one time. He works in the morning. I run my Ukrainian therapist support group. We have a guest translator; our regular translator is moving to the US. This translator is living in Ukraine. During our call she hears the air raid siren and has to retreat with her dog and son into the interior of her dwelling. Sheesh. She is very nice and generous to be with us. But we have developed a strong bond with L. who will return to us next week. Then, afternoon off, I go to Lucy Vincent Beach with Frank and a picnic. His umbrella. The beautiful sea. My book. Naps. More than one! A swim in the salty waves. Sleepy all day. Cannot keep my eyes open tonight, and it’s early. This means vacation is happening to me. Yesterday, with my daughter, we realize that Charlie will turn 11 this August. Eleven years old! How did this happen? He has slowed down quite a bit; I’ve been worried something’s wrong. But, it’s his age. Eleven is old for a lab! I still think of him as six or eight years old. But his freewheeling youth is behind him. He’s quite happy to be here and hangs out in the quiet yard, undisturbed by construction vehicles and deliveries and the comings and goings of contractors and workers. Charlie is getting a well deserved vacation too.