Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Chappaquidick Afternoon

Smartly, I close all the screened doors tonight; cool mornings. Awake at 5:30, ready to rise with the Special One. Quite a chill. We hiked a shorter trail, him on my back, Charlie beside us, down to Brickyard Beach in the fresh morning. Other walkers and dogs. No osprey. Charlie dove crazily for rocks in the flat Sound. Water so clear. He just loves loves loves diving for rocks! Puts his head and whole body under the water to retrieve one. Big ones! This makes him very happy. We have a lovely, quiet, peaceful, relaxed day. My son still here. Frank back from tennis and we drive with lunch to Chappaquidick. Ocean very calm. A swim, lots of play in the sand. Then, we take them to the departing ferry, and Frank and Charlie and I are alone again. A perfect balance of our own time with visits. We drive to Menemsha tonight and watch the sunset. I am quite tired. Frank thanks me for getting the Chappaquidick pass––he had no idea he would love it as much as he does, and me too.

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