#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Charles River shrinking
. . . The fire in leaf and grass
so green it seems
each summer the last summer. . .
- Denise Levertov
Drought continues. A dampness from a bit of rain last night. But all the plants are bone dry. Not enough. The river is shrinking, the brook bed is black dirt. Still, the sun shone a gorgeous July day and I walked with the Special One on my back chattering away, and Charlie behind us, trotting along in the heat. An errand and packing day for our summer getaway. But I get a sweet couple of hours with my youngest for lunch at Tatte in Wellesley and a pedicure and lots of time to chat and catch up. I print my handouts for tomorrow’s workshop. Lots of decisions being made on tile and paint for the walls. . . Frank and I easily falling into agreement. Our friend Ami who has been our painter and color consultant for years comes by and helps us make the decisions. Our contractor, Ed, is wonderful to work with. I get a decent swim in; it’s bright and hot and a nice wind making the water choppy for swimming, the boats out. Bone weary tonight. July, my favorite month almost over. Excited to take the ferry tomorrow, to lead a workshop at Islander’s Write, and then, to the beach!